JUMP TOstart hereGetting startedCreating problemsCode Review ProblemsCode ProblemsThe REST APIAuthenticationCreate a ProjectEmbedding DevMatchSquarespaceDevMatchPublicGet the public ranking.getGet application details by namegetGet all problems from the perspective of an unauthenticated usergetGet a problem from the perspective of an unauthenticated usergetGet the user details by username. This API is public.getAdd a candidate to the project from a public applicationpostProblemsSubmit feedback after attempting a problempostGet all available problemsgetCreate a Problem on DevMatchpostGet a problem by IdgetEdit a problem's detailsputSoft-delete a problem by IDdeleteCompile and publish the latest version of the problem source codepostGet all admins for the specified problemgetAdd an admin to the given problem by their email addresspostGet "context" (will always return content from the "after" version of the file) for a diff in code reviewgetToggles the current user's "like" status for this problem.postOpen the given problem so it can be attemptedpostGet all submissions for a problemgetSubmit to a problem on DevMatchpostAdd an admin to a problempostRemove an admin from a problemdeleteDesktopsGet existing desktop environmentsgetCreate a new desktop environmentpostDelete a desktop environment by IddeleteEnvironmentsGet existing environmentsgetCreate a new environmentpostDelete an environment by IddeleteProjectsAccept an invitation to a project.postGets the current user's list of projectsgetCreates a new projectpostGet a project by IDgetUpdate a project's details by IDputDelete a project by IDdeleteGet all the admins for the project with the given IDgetAdd an admin to the given project by their email addresspostCreate an application for the specified projectpostAdd a candidate to the projectpostCreate a token that allows candidates to join this project.postOpen a project.postAdd a problem to a project.postGet the ranking for this project.getGet the ICPC-style ranking for this project.getGet all candidate submissions for a projectgetAdd the provided user as an admin to the given projectpostDeleted the provided user as an admin from the given projectdeleteGet an application for a project by IdgetUpdate an application for a project by IdputGet a candidate in a project by IdgetUpdate a candidatepostRemove candidate from project.deleteInvite the user to this projectpostRemove a problem from a projectdeleteGet details about a project in the context of a candidategetOrganizationsGet all organizations the current user is part ofgetCreate a new organizationpostGet an organization by IDgetDelete an organization by IddeleteAdd a user to this organization by email addresspostAdd a user to this organizationpostRemove a user from the given organization by user IddeleteSubmissionsGets all submissions on the platformgetManually score a submissionpostGet submission by IdgetUsersGet all usersgetCreate a new DevMatch userpostGet a user by IDgetUpdate a user by IDputPowered by Gets all submissions on the platformget https://94s1zv81nb.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/api/submissionsUser must be a global admin to access this endpoint